Category: Mini Blogs

  • Pruning Apple Trees

    Pruning Apple Trees

    There should still be time to prune your apple trees if you haven’t done so already. Benefits of pruning apple trees Improve the shape of the tree. The shape of the tree matters because that’s what allows good air circulation, access to sunlight, and even fruit distribution. Promote better growth and better fruit, as it…

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  • Coppicing Hazel Trees

    Coppicing Hazel Trees

    Coppicing Coppicing a hazel tree means cutting it back down to ground level. You can still cut it back but not as extreme as that, if you want. It’s recommended because it can extend the life of a hazel tree, and encourages new growth. It might also create light for things below it to grow,…

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  • Covering Soil with Mulch During Winter

    Covering Soil with Mulch During Winter

    There are a few different ways in which you can cover your soil during the colder months where you won’t be growing most of your plants. This typically starts at some point during autumn, and continues until some point during spring. This mini post is about covering your soil with a layer of mulch, to…

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  • Leafmould


    What is leafmould?  Leafmould is the compost that is produced by the breakdown of leaves over time. While it doesn’t contain a huge amount of nutrients, it will still add some nutrients to your soil, and is a great soil conditioner. How do you make leafmould? Rake up fallen leaves. Then you can put them…

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