What will full blog posts be about?
Full blogs will provide information and advice on all things gardening. While it will cover a wide variety of garden topics suitable for any experience and situation, my person focus is on making my garden as ‘natural’ as possible. I’m trying to be as self-sufficient in the garden as I can, and in pursuit of this goal I do things like making my own fertiliser, saving seeds to grow from, and re-using things in the garden. These aren’t do-able for everyone, or not everyone wants to do them, but even if you don’t or can’t implement them, that doesn’t mean this blog isn’t for you, because it will still be garden focused, and hopefully interesting or useful to as many people as possible.
What is gardening?
I guess now would be a good time to touch on what gardening actually is. Gardening, put simply, is growing plants in a dedicated space. Humans have been doing this for thousands of years. Even though it sounds simple, gardens, and the of gardening, can encompass a lot. Maybe you want an ornamental garden that looks pretty? Or nature haven? Or flowers that you can cut and put in a vase or give to loved ones? Or you want to grow that you can eat? Or something else? For most of us it’s a combination, there isn’t just one reason we garden. For me it’s a mixture. I’m lucky enough to have a very large garden, which allows me space to grow crops, which was what got me into gardening in the first place, but there is still space for me to grow flowers that look nice and attract pollinators, while leaving some of the garden ‘wild’ and still having some leisure space. And of course, the excuse to get outside into the fresh air, and hopefully some sunshine, although as any readers from the UK will know all too well, that’s no guarantee. And to spend time with family, both gardening and discussing the garden and our produce. The blog will cover a range of topics within gardening, hopefully hitting on every reason people have for gardening, and providing all types of gardeners with many interesting and relevant posts.
Gardening can be overwhelming, no matter your experience level. I know that I’m always looking for information and I am often met with such a barrage of information that I can feel overwhelmed, and sort of gloss over it, and the information doesn’t really sink in as there is too much. And I find that this is often because people talk about the best case scenario, the thing done perfectly, and want to include everything, diving right into the complexities of it. And I’m just looking for something simple to get started with. So what I’m going to try and do is break things down into separate, easy to digest categories, that can be read fairly quickly, and provide information that can be useful for different experience levels. I won’t stop you from diving into a topic if that’s what you want to do, but the options will be there for each topic, ranging from a simple place to start, to the more ‘advanced’ things that you can do.
Frequency of blog posts
The initial few weeks will have more than 1 post per week, but from then onwards it will be 1 per week on Fridays at 6pm UK time.
The last post of each month will look ahead to the following month. What animals or plants to keep an eye out for, and what to plant, harvest, or prepare in the garden. The remaining posts each month will be on other topics within the garden, which I will try to release when I think they are most relevant. From sowing seeds, to making fertiliser, to how to harvest or use plants, and many more.
I’ll try to link blog posts to my journey, either through little comments here and there, or short sections at the end.
Mini blogs
I mentioned “full blog posts” earlier, which are like this one, because as well as full blog posts, there will be mini blogs, which will be labelled as such. These will be in their own section and a different format. Maybe I’ve noticed something interesting or exciting in the garden, or I’ve come across a problem, used something I’ve grown, want to give an update about something I’ve talked about, and much more. Anything that I want to share with you but aren’t suited to, enough for, or at the right time for a full blog post. These will hopefully give you some insight into me and my journey, alongside the full posts, and allow me to connect with you, the community that I hope to build here and share our journey’s together, as well as providing useful information or giving you some ideas.
How to keep up to date with blog posts
You can subscribe to a newsletter here to get the latest blog post right into your inbox.
Or you can follow me on Instagram, where I will make a post for each blog post that I release.
Or you can just come onto this website and see the latest blog posts.
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